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Caregiver Pipeline

Recruitment and Retention of  In-Home Caregivers

There is a national shortage of Direct Care Workers (DCWs). The Caregiver Career Pipeline is a collaborative grant project working to increase the number of in-home DCWs across the Central U.P. Through development of a recruitment matrix, standardized screening tool, formal orientation, and processes for directing individuals to training and resources, the Caregiver Career Pipeline will support state and national efforts to improve recruitment and retention of in-home DCWs and help end the caregiver crisis.

On-Demand Direct Care Work

Are you interested in learning more about becoming a caregiver? Watch this informative, interactive presentation to learn about a rewarding career or part-time work as a Direct Care Worker: https://voicethread.com/myvoice/thread/27921390/158004492/141155140

Directions: Download app when asked (if needed). After opening the on-demand presentation, please click the boxes at the left of the slides (SK) to listen to the presentation. You can move through the presentation at your own pace. Click the arrow to advance slides.

Please complete the following self assessment and presentation review to help understand your interest in Direct Care Work and opportunities to improve our program.

Program Post Survey: https://qualtricsxmfs2kfkjjl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8olbje0UCxCJinQ

Self Assessment: https://qualtricsxmfs2kfkjjl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eKU87vVLdlmNhK6

This project is coordinated by the Caregiver Incentive Project, IMPART Alliance and NMU Center for Rural Health with support from community partners representing caregiving agencies, academic institutions, workforce development agencies, tribal communities, and veteran groups.

Initial grant work will be open to the public with special emphasis on:

  • High school students
  • Under- and unemployed
  • Tribal community members
  • Individuals who have served in the military and their partners

Screenings and orientations will be held at sites in the Central U.P. in early 2024. Additional caregiver groups will be explored following the initial grant work.

Upcoming trainings include:

Saturday, April 6, 2024
Starting at 2:00 pm (30-minute presentation & Q&A)
Virtual Only
Registration Required https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3UTaiEnYAQPcszs

Saturday, April 13, 2024
Starting at 11:00 am (30-minute presentation & Q&A)
Virtual Only
Registration Required https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3UTaiEnYAQPcszs

Thursday, April 18, 2024
Starting at 7:00 pm (30-minute presentation & Q&A)

Virtual Only
Registration Required https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3UTaiEnYAQPcszs