Welcome to the CIP website! Take a look and see how we can help you.

Caregiving impacts all of us.

And whatever caregiving situation you face, we’re here to help you navigate it.

Caregiving is something that impacts all of our lives, but these impacts are often hidden from view because caregiving happens at home. At the CIP, we’re bringing the problem of caregiving into the open because it’s something we need to talk about—and to fix together!

If you’ve experienced the failing industry, you know how badly it’s stacked against us. Neither the caregivers nor the cared for are treated with the respect they deserve. We want to help you find a better path forward, no matter how caregiving is impacting your life.

We’re your resource for better in-home care in Marquette, the Upper Peninsula, and beyond.

“There are only four kinds of people in
this world:

Those who have been caregivers
Those who currently are caregivers
Those who will be caregivers
Those who will need caregivers.”

What We Do

How does the CIP fit into the caregiving picture?

We help people on both sides of the in-home care equation: the caregiver and the cared for.  We connect prospective caregivers with training and funding, and we connect families with trusted in-home care agencies in Marquette and the UP.


We can help you find a caregiver.

If you are looking for an in-home caregiver in Marquette or the rest of the UP, we offer several means of support.

You can view our vetted agencies to reach out directly, or we can arrange to sit down at your kitchen table to discuss your options through our Care Close to Home program.

We also have free resources you can use at any time!


We offer caregiver training & scholarships.

The national shortage of caregivers can only be solved when individual people are inspired to become caregivers. If that’s you, we value and celebrate your decision and want to help you in every way we can!

We’re advocating for a better system nationwide, but in the meantime, we offer practical support including scholarships and free training workshops.


We can help anyone impacted by the need for in-home care.

Want to become a caregiver? Need to find in-home caregiving in Marquette County (and the rest of the UP)?

Check out our free resources to help you navigate the system while advocating for your needs and rights. These resources are completely free of charge, and we encourage you to share them with anyone and everyone.

We envision a world where everyone who needs care can find a trusted caregiver and where every caregiver is well trained, celebrated, and respected.

The world needs more caregivers, and the CIP can
help you become one!

If you’re at all interested in becoming a caregiver—either part-time to pay for school or full-time as a career—we are here to support you. We have scholarships and grants, expert resources, and in-person training opportunities.

We value, elevate, and celebrate caregivers!