Welcome to the CIP website! Take a look and see how we can help you.

The CIP’s story is really about you.

Why? Because caregiving will touch your life. It’s not if, but when.

No matter who you are, what your background is, or where you live, one fact is almost guaranteed in this life: you will be affected by caregiving.

You might need in-home senior care as you age in place, or you might have a child born with special needs. Or maybe you’re unexpectedly called upon to care for a loved one who survived an accident.

There are countless types of in-home care, and we’re ALL going to be impacted.

The CIP story starts in our own homes, but it will almost certainly enter yours, too. That’s why we’re working hard to fix the broken caregiving industry—now. Before even more families are impacted by a system that prioritizes profits over people, has too few certifications and true career opportunities, and leaves people without the care they need.

Where the CIP story begins

Our story starts in the home of Eric and Alice Paad.

Parents to Dorothy, a wonderful woman who happens to have cerebral palsy, the Paads have spent decades trying to navigate a confusing, costly, and uncaring caregiving industry.

Dorothy requires care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Many people have told the Paads over the years that the only solution is to put Dorothy in a group home—but that’s not an option for the Paads. Group homes do nothing more than allow someone to exist, and Dorothy deserves to live.

From this desire to live a full and dignified life came the 501(c)(3) nonprofit today known as the CIP.

Where we are now

Since our founding, the CIP has grown into an active nonprofit organization with significant grant funding from major partners as well as grassroots support from families and individuals in the UP, Michigan, and across the country.

We serve both current/prospective caregivers and families seeking in-home care in Marquette and beyond:

We also provide regular grants and scholarships for in-home caregivers, work with organizations to provide custom caregiver training, and speak to local groups about caregiving. Dorothy continues to be our spokesperson—and Eric continues to be the proudest dad!


Where we're headed

We’re currently focusing our efforts on our local region, extending from our homes in Marquette all across the Upper Peninsula. But all of the problems we’re tackling—the shortage of caregivers, the lack of professional opportunity for caregivers, and the needless difficulties of a profit-driven caregiving industry—are truly nationwide.

The CIP’s ultimate vision is to create a nationwide caregiving industry that actually cares.

One that trains, supports, and respects their caregiving employees, and one that is easier for families to navigate with confidence. Join us!

How you fit in

You're a big part of our story.
Join us!

For in-home caregivers

I want to learn more about becoming a n in-home caregiver as a career, a part-time job or an informal arrangement for a loved one.

For those needing in-home care

I need help finding a trusted caregiver and navigating the in-home care industry in Marquette County/
the Upper peninsula

For those who want to help us

I would like to donate financial resources, volunteer my time/expertise, or contribute to the work of the CIP in another way.